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20140114 养生 您身边的毒蔬菜


What's the Happiness?

Happiness is not about wearing a gold chain, is not wearing a mink clothes, not you have the car, not live in the building! Happiness is when you cry when someone cares about you to comfort you when you are tired, when you have one person on it.

It is every little desire, someone to give you achieve, is to have a one who loves you and understand
you. No matter how much ability he has, but always put the best left up to you.

Even if the beautiful scenery, if no one is watching together, will have a sense of sadness. No matter how good life, if no one to share, will be kind of sense of desolation.

Even if a bad situation, if someone accompany, there will be inexplicable moved. No matter how tough the day, if a man accompanied by, there will be inexplicable happiness!

Money is important, but just living needs, as long as there are pairs of industrious hands, how much you can earn, and love, if missed, will never be brought back. Money is material satisfaction, happiness, spiritual fulfillment.

The truth, does not need money to buy;True love, you don't want to use the money can buy。

Happiness is very simple,
A warm embrace, a reliable shoulder, he treat you as a baby! !

幸福,不是戴金链子,不是穿个貂皮衣服,不是有车开,不是住楼房! 幸福是哭的时候有人疼,累的时候有人靠,是每一个小小的愿望,有人给你实现,是拥有一个爱自己懂自己的人,不管他有多少能力,总是把最好最多的留给你。 风景再美,若没人一起欣赏,也会有种莫名的忧伤。再好的生活,若没人一起分享,也会有种莫名的凄凉。再坏的处境,若有人陪伴,也会有莫名的感动。再苦的日子,若有人相伴,也会有莫名的幸福! 钱固然重要,但只是生活需要,只要有双勤劳的双手,多少都可以挣,而爱人,错过了,就再也找不回来。 有钱,是物质的满足,幸福,是精神上的满足。真情,不用钱买,真心,钱更买不到。 幸福很简单,一个温暖的怀抱,一个可靠的肩膀,一个把你当宝贝的人!! 


How to think?

Do not promise when joy, do not answer at the time of grief, do not decide at the time of anger. Learn to listen, to listen is to communicate a kind of wisdom, an accomplishment, a kind of spiritual, calm is a state of mind, is a mature. Fate does not always favor you, it does not always ignore you. Not because there is hope only to work hard, attitude is everything. What attitude, what kind of future; character determines destiny. What kind of character, what kind of life you have./