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QiuLing Dance Studio

People all say My Hometown Good/ 谁不说俺家乡好
Jersey City Senior Activity Center Sunset Red dance team dance teaching courses video report summary泽西城夕阳红舞蹈队舞蹈教学 汇报总结课程视频

Dancers are over 70 years of age


QiuLing Dance Studio

Love dancing,My body will get updated while dancing


舞蹈Dance花好月圆Blooming Fower and Full Moon

舞者兼制作Perfomer/ Produser: 刘秋玲 Qiuling Liu (62 years old)

摄影 杨林 Photographer Lin Yang ( 80 years old)



Have you practiced yoga today?

你今天练瑜伽? 你今天练瑜伽了吗?



Chinese classical dance--blooming flowers and full moon

China classical dance characteristics:

Chinese classical dance best performance of traditional Chinese women's classical temperament beauty, This beautiful free from arrogance and impetuosity, do not play not mediocrity.This is a subtle, gentle, noble, introverted, tenacity, optimistic national spirit and "with a smile immediately present a variety of charming" beautiful woman.

Please  enjoy the below link:


Chinese classical dance--blooming flowers and full moon
Performer  Qiuling Liu
Personal file: Retirement age groupe
Video Location: China Hunan Changsha  Gym
VideoTime:  Feb. 09, 2015


Cherish the present, living in the moment.珍惜眼前,活在当下。

Full of water plus, it will overflow. People are tired and then stays, it will collapse. Alive, is a kind of happiness, do not take yourself too hard. Always want to leave some time and space to yourself. Life, half confused, half understand; life, half memories, half continued; family: Half inclusive, half responsibility; feelings, half business, half treasure; couples, half of tolerance, half considerate; child, half talent and half training; parents, half of filial piety, half accompany; friends, half visiting, half sincere. Regrets in life is complete; happy life is successful. Cherish the present, living in the moment.