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China's first yoga for the elderly"- Wade Shen

China's first yoga for the elderly," Wade Shen

    Recently, the 82-year-old Shen Vader elderly guest Tianjin TV "world of men", he began practicing yoga 62 years old, has been 20 years, known as "China's first yoga for the elderly", with a "miracle of the body: the 80 elderly learn yoga health "and other books, attracted widespread attention.

  Eighty yoga challenges the elderly guests limit this program, the pace of vigorous elderly Wade Shen, ruddy, bright and piercing eyes, looks nothing like the eighties old people. Opening program, he proved with practical action is not only a woman can practice yoga, men can also be practiced; not only training young people, older people can practice. He made a series of continuous yoga moves, a more than a difficult, and ultimately complete a wonderful challenge. I saw the limbs of his body as soft as baby, want to make a variety of incredibly difficult yoga poses,make the host and the audienc dazzlee and shouted the magic.
   Yoga can help him get rid  out of  struck from Serious illness. Before  retirement he was an engineer  in Shanghai Huadong Electronics Instrument. Do not look so tough old body now, he retired before the big Half a life is struck by the pain in the spent. He was suffering from heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis, gallstones, chronic pharyngitis, chronic rhinitis, also Zengyin bleeding hospitalized five times. Pressure due to illness, he even faced the danger of paralysis. In this case, he was determined to exercise. Long-distance running and he practiced Tai Chi, do not work. In 1990, a chance, so he was exposed to yoga. At the beginning of practice, due to older age, the body is very stiff joints, Shen Vader With an obstinately desire to survive, persist in training hard. Gradually, the joints, muscles, ligaments, bones, flexible start, start to gradually become easier movement, posture is also increasing. Through years of training, Shen Vader's body became very soft bones have become surprisingly strong, the various symptoms are gone before. In 2000, the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine carried out a pulse on his test results showed that his physical age younger than 18 years.
The origin and effect of yoga - Shen Vader said that yoga originated in India, it's a variety of positions are to imitate in some animals, the highest in India, the local temperature can reach 50 degrees, people can not stand the hot climate of torture, began to get sick through long-term observation of animals after they found some very tenacious vitality, which mimic human animals comprehend yoga out of action. Yoga of all ages can practice not sick sick. Especially in fast-paced modern life, work pressure, yoga is great for people's physical and mental health benefits.
 Yoga good for men's health movement - prostate disease is the health of middle-aged men troubled killer, causing great suffering to patients. Through daily practice as long as certain yoga poses can ease symptoms of prostate disease or even cure prostate problems. This seemingly simple act of doing it, it is not easy to see the two men came to power interactive audience to know. However, after they have first-hand experience that home will keep practicing this action. Shen also taught to improve Vader also the overall health of the male body yoga movements.
 Suitable for double couples were practicing yoga - Double Yoga is an important item yoga, couples yoga couples joint training is not only healthier, but also to improve marital relations, improve the quality of life. Shen Vader taught standing, sitting, lying three classic double yoga poses, shows the scene of two of the couples experience, they are well coordinated with the completion of action it? Why is that Wei's actions a couple of them during the punishment like it?
  Eighties longevity of the elderly - elderly people live to teach Shen Vader his longevity. He believes that in addition to twenty years like a day to practice yoga, but his longevity is due to maintain a healthy lifestyle and attitude towards life. He insisted that rich diet, basic vegetarian and occasionally eat meat. Do not smoke. Go to bed around 9 pm, he suggested that early early on a lot of good. His family harmony, his wife is very concerned about his support for him. He usually maintains a good attitude, failing to impatience does not get angry.中国第一瑜珈老人”沈维德    近日, 82岁高龄沈维德老人做客天津电视台《男人世界》,他从62岁开始练瑜伽,至今已有20年,被誉为“中国第一瑜珈老人”,著有《身体的奇迹:向80老人学瑜伽养生》等书,受到广泛关注。

    八旬老人挑战瑜珈动作极限     本期节目的嘉宾沈维德老人步伐矫健,面色红润,双目炯炯有神,外表一点也不像是八旬高龄的人。节目开场,他就用实际行动证明了瑜珈不仅女人能练,男人也能 练;不仅年轻人能练,年纪大的人也能练。他连续做了一系列瑜珈动作,一个比一个有难度,最终完成了精彩的挑战。只见他身体四肢犹如婴儿一样柔软,随心所欲 地做出各种不可思议的高难度瑜珈动作,看得主持人和现场观众目不暇接,大呼神奇。

    练瑜伽,摆脱病魔缠身     沈维德退休前在上海华东电子仪器厂做工程师。别看老人现在身体这么硬朗,他退休前的大半世人生却是在病魔缠身的痛苦中度过的。他当时患有心脏病、高血压、 动脉硬化、胆结石、慢性咽炎、慢性鼻炎,还曾因胃出血住院五次。由于疾病的压力,他甚至面临瘫痪的危险。就在这样的情况下,他决心锻炼身体。他练过长跑和 太极拳,都不管用。1990年,一个偶然的机会,让他接触到了瑜珈。在开始练功时,由于年龄大,全身骨节非常僵硬,沈维德硬是凭着一股求生的欲望,坚持苦 练。渐渐地,全身关节、肌肉、韧带、骨骼开始灵活,做起动作来逐渐变得容易了,姿势也越来越多。通过多年的锻炼,沈维德的身体变得异常柔软,筋骨也变得出 奇强壮,以前的各种病症都不见了。2000年,上海中医药大学对他进行了一次脉象测试,结果表明,他的生理年龄比实际年龄年轻18岁。

    瑜珈的由来和功效——沈维德介绍说,瑜珈起源于印度,它的各种姿势都是模仿于一些动物,由于印度当地最高的气温可以达到50度,人们受不了炎热气候的折 磨,开始不断生病,通过长期观察后他们发现一些动物的生命力十分顽强,由此人类领悟出了模仿动物的瑜珈动作。瑜伽不分男女老少,有病没病都能练。尤其是现 代人生活节奏快,工作压力大,瑜珈对人们的身心健康都是大有益处的。

    有益男性健康的瑜珈动作——前列腺疾病是困扰中老年男性的健康杀手,给患者造成极大痛苦。只要通过每天练习特定的瑜珈动作,可以缓解前列腺疾病症状甚至治 愈前列腺疾病。这个看似简单的动作做起来却并不容易,看上台互动的两位男性观众就知道了。不过他们在亲身体验了之后都表示回家后一定会坚持练习这个动作。 此外沈维德还传授了改善男性身体整体健康状况的瑜珈动作。

    适宜夫妻共练的双人瑜珈——双人瑜珈是瑜珈中一个重要的项目,夫妻合练双人瑜珈,不仅更加健康,而且能够增进夫妻感情,改善生活质量。沈维德传授了站, 坐,躺三个经典的双人瑜珈动作,节目现场的两对夫妻进行了体验,他们是否出色地配合完成动作了呢?那威为什么说其中一对夫妻的动作像是在进行体罚呢?

    八旬老人的长寿秘诀——沈维德老人现场传授了他的长寿秘诀。他认为除了二十年如一日练习瑜伽外,他长寿是因为保持健康的生活习惯和生活态度。他坚持清淡的 饮食,基本吃素,偶尔也会吃肉。不抽烟。晚上9点左右睡觉,他建议早睡早起对身体大有好处。他的家庭和睦,老伴很关心他支持他。他平时都保持一个良好的心 态,遇事不急躁不发火。

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Yoga - A woman's life in the compulsory course女人一生中必修之课

When women began practicing yoga, her age will reside at the time. As long as you insist, you will be trained well. I would like to say: grace under accumulation, seemingly unremarkable, but she seems to come with tempered by the years after the wisdom with intelligent insight into the essence of life, with the scarcity of low-key and peaceful period, showing a style unparalleled elegance. In deep breath, we were slowly stretch the body from the inside suits the care of women's lifeline. even grow old, also from the elegant charm of a simple primitive Aging or exterior skyrocketing.
女人什么时候开始练瑜伽,她的年龄就会在那时驻留.只要你坚持,你一定会练得很好.我还想说:  积淀下的优雅,看似平淡无奇,但她仿佛带着经岁月 磨砺后的智慧,带着洞悉生活真谛的聪颖,带着这个时期稀缺的低调和安宁,呈现一种无与伦比的优雅风情.  在深长的呼吸中,我们一起慢慢的舒展身躯,由内 而外呵护着女性的生命线.即使是年华老去,优雅的魅力也会从岁月的痕迹或简单朴质的外表下跃然而出

Yoga is like a mirror

Yoga is like a mirror, he gave you a chance to see your own state under static, read their own.瑜伽就像一面镜子,他给你一个机会,让你在静态下看清自己的状态,读懂自己.


Yoga is a distant history, a wide range of profound scientific, it has a lot of practice ways to improve our physical, mental and spiritual health,You like yoga? Welcome to my space to sit and   learn together Yoga knowledge, exchange ideas and experience to practice yoga.


Yoga - can pure your heart

在美国的工作是忙碌的,生活却是极简单的,谈不上什么功成名就。像大多数普通人一样平凡地生活着。瑜伽,舞蹈是我保持健康的方式。现为职业瑜伽教练.这种忙碌既简单的方程式周而复始,发现自己演变成一个简单快乐的女人。/ Busy with working in the United States, life is very simple, not much of fame. Like most ordinary people living ordinary manner. Yoga, dance is my way to stay healthy. Now I'm a professional yoga instructor. I found this simple formula busy cycle way make myself turned into a simple and happy woman.